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Optimize pediatric care using the power of AI technology.

Secure, trusted, and proven. Praised by clinicians, award-winning Dragon Medical One is specifically designed to translate your voice into a rich narrative that works seamlessly with Office Practicum.

See Dragon Medical One in action

Fast, responsive, & highly accurate Dragon Medical One speech recognition gives you the ability to speak freely and as much as you like, saving up to 2 hours per day on documentation.


Providers use their voice to capture the patient story more naturally and efficiently, producing secure documentation up to 45% faster with 99% accuracy.


Move focus back to the patient, not the EHR.

Automate the tasks that hold you back

Named #1 Best in KLAS for four years running for its medical dictation capabilities, Dragon Medical One has proven, portable, personalized features that earns accolades from clinicians and empowers them with a nimble modern architecture that is faster, more flexible, and future‑proof.

Are you still using Dragon Medical Practice Edition (DMPE)? This software is no longer supported and as a result, you may be noticing issues such as lagging, degradation in speed and accuracy, increased errors, and corrupt voice profiles.


Switching is easy. Upgrade to Dragon Medical One and our team of experts will move your commands and templates over so you can be up and running in no time.


Are you ready to try Dragon® Medical One for FREE?

Reach out to our team of solution specialists to request more information or to schedule a free trial of Dragon Medical One at no cost or obligation to conduct your own proof of concept.

Dragon Ambient eXperience

Automatically document care with DAX Copilot

Capture clinical documentation effortlessly during the patient visit & deliver to your Office Practicum EHR in seconds using DAX Copilot, a simple & cost effective add-on to Dragon Medical One.

DAX Copilot records the patient encounter in the exam room, takes the clinically relevant parts of the patient visit and uses Microsoft’s AI to create a note within seconds that is delivered to your Office Practicum EHR.


DAX Copilot does NOT require an interface with your EHR and can be set up with a brief training session. Contact us to get started with a 14-day trial to conduct your own proof of concept.

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