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Cardiology Practices Enhance Patient Narratives with Nuance® Dragon® Medical One and DAX™ Copilot

Updated: Aug 5

Deep conversations are at the core of every cardiac patient visit, and the information retrieved from those visits can give key insights into the patient’s physical and mental condition. We know the usual barometers used during a basic cardiac checkup: blood pressure, temperature, height, weight, etc., combine both a wellness and preventative service to create a plan for a positive outcome.

Cardiovascular providers spend significant time with each patient to gain the information needed for these complete assessments and diagnoses. While these visits are significant, continued research shows that a vital piece of detail is found in the patient's context and what happens outside of your physical office location such as their environment, relationships, diet, job, and experiences. These items all shape who patients are and how they live, providing keen insight into the potential challenges patients face in their wellness journey.

Dragon® Medical One (DMO) was developed to help busy physicians capture data and transfer that data directly to their EHR using their own voice (3x faster than typing) right at the point of care. It has the AI-power to accomplish a higher quality fast data throughput. With its next‑level voice capabilities it can aid, assist, and advise clinicians with a documentation workflow through its flexible and modern architecture, and with a remarkable responsiveness and resiliency profile.

For critical cardiovascular comprehensive visits, pieces of information can inadvertently be missed during the data capture, so the innovators at Nuance developed a solution that works with DMO – DAX Copilot. DAX is ambient intelligence that works directly with your Dragon Medical One solution to allow a stronger patient/physician connection as human beings.

This connection has many benefits. It works by enhancing the patient’s narrative and offers additional efficiencies for your cardiology practice such as saving time in detailed cardiovascular documentation and improving the patient’s experience. The ambient solution takes clinical documentation from your intake interviews, patient visits, cardiac stress tests, and multi‑party conversations and automatically converts those into specialty‑specific, clinical summaries that are available in your EHR in seconds. DAX acts as your personal AI assistant to automate all your clinical documentation. Physicians using the dual solution experience.

➢    7 Minute reduction in documentation

➢    70% reduction in feelings of burnout and fatigue

➢    75% of physicians surveyed state DAX Copilot improves the overall documentation process

➢    85% of patients say their physician is more “personable and conversational” using DAX

Working in Tandem with Dragon Medical One

As DAX Copilot and DMO work in tandem to complete the patient documentation journey benefits will reach across your patient exam room, clinic environment, and right in your own waiting room. For additional efficiency, clinicians can leverage a full range of customizations using Dragon Medical One like:

●      Templates

●      Shortcuts

●      Custom forms and more!

Strong communication between patient and physician in Cardiac care is critical for that positive outcome. The DMO with DAX Copilot add-on solution produces a more comprehensive historical record that leads to a better overall patient outcome. The entire process is improved to help physicians build a stronger and more efficient communication process with their patients.


Contact our team of solution specialists to schedule a trial of Dragon Medical One, named #1 Best in KLAS speech recognition for FOUR consecutive years (2021-2024). | 866-977-3324 | 877-272-8280


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