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How Artificial Intelligence is Optimizing the Capture of Cardiology Patient Notes

Updated: Sep 21, 2020

Private cardiology practices move to a very fast beat - with most physicians seeing upwards of 100 patients every week. With that kind of pace, time is an extremely valuable commodity, and finding ways to save time each day, can have a positive impact on your overall office operations. Recent technology advances in the healthcare industry are being implemented across varied platforms, including most EHRs to predict certain patterns. Adding a speech recognition solution to your current clinical workflow that includes AI-powered technology, like Nuance® Dragon® Medical One, will help you optimize the patient note process. Rather than spending hours typing notes in your EHR, use the power of your own natural voice to speak directly into the patient note template. This will decrease the amount of time spent documenting patient encounters, while you increase your overall productivity every week.

With the discovery of additional uses and implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) inside EHRs, the technology can help to review your notes and pull out specific structured data.

This works by:

● recognizing key cardiology terms entered into the patient notes

● uncovering insights inside your keyed terms within the note

● extracting and indexing specific heart-related data from your clinical notes

● assisting in developing a more focused treatment plan for your patient

AI-powered cloud-based Dragon Medical One, provides several unique key features to assist busy cardiology practices that may not be available with similar solutions.

Features like:

Specialty vocabulary for cardiologists - most current words and names used are easily recognized by the solution with no spell-checking

Easy to create comprehensive cardiac patient histories and patient assessments - with built in terminology

Automatic updates - with the latest AI advances using cloud technology

Further optimization is possible for specialty cardiology practices, specifically during the current healthcare crisis we are facing with Covid-19 related health concerns. Current Dragon Medical One users have the added value of automatic updates and NEW features to assist them in optimizing the patient note. One of the latest updates provided users with a specific Covid-19 Content Pack, which allows physicians to use with both in-office patient visits, as well as documenting virtual telehealth visits.

Using the AI-powered technology inside Dragon Medical One to capture clinical notes allows you to focus on the personalized treatment of patients rather than using keyboards and screens. Why not reach out to our team to learn more about how we can help your cardiology medical practice optimize your EHR today!

Not a current Dragon Medical One user? Be sure to ask about our FREE 7-day trial! | 866-977-3324 | 877-272-8280


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