Excessive amounts of paperwork and patient documentation due to the ever-increasing regulations and requirements is taking its toll on independent medical practices across the US. It’s not a surprise to learn that multiple surveys of physicians and PAs find that the increased use of electronic health records (EHRs), while helping to organize and manage the medical practice, can contribute significantly to stress and burnout. Many physicians reported that excessive typing into their EHR can lead to a higher daily frustration level. In addition, physicians and clinicians also reported having inadequate time for documentation and spending large amounts of time working on EHRs at home.
Your time at home should be spent relaxing with your family, not completing office work. Physicians who reported not having enough time for EHR documentation were close to 3x more likely to show symptoms of burnout. Physicians who spent excessive or even moderate amounts of time on their EHR at home, were almost 2x more likely to show burnout symptoms than those who spent minimal or no time on the EHR at home.
We have worked with thousands of physicians and know that you joined the medical profession to help treat patients, not type for hours a day completing paperwork. While we cannot control government regulations or insurance requirements, we can help reduce some of the time spent typing on the keyboard, by up to 2 hours a day using the natural cadence of your own voice.
Our goal is to come alongside our physician clients and help them find ways to reduce the time spent in documentation, be more productive with that time, and pursue a much better daily outcome in the process. Speech recognition implementation is helping many practices mitigate IT-related stress every day. Minimal training is needed to implement speech recognition, and by making even a slight change in the way your clinical workflow is directed, can help reduce some of the stress associated with the burden of paperwork.
Our recommended speech recognition platform, Nuance ® Dragon ® Medical One, is cloud-based, and uses artificial intelligence (AI) to predict outcomes based on the patient’s prior history. Using your voice vs incessant typing on a keyboard is a more natural way to document, either within your treatment room or in your office. Data-driven decision-making using the power of AI technology has been able to alleviate some of the documentation burden, by interpreting and converting your own voice into text. A few additional benefits of using this solution are highlighted below.
One Single-Voice Profile - that is hosted in the cloud so you can access from any Windows-based device for a consistent seamless experience
Learns Your Voice - and gets better with each use, learning your specific inflections, and voice patterns for a 99% accurate patient note or document
Minimal Training - is needed to use the solution, so no additional IT-related stress on an already burdened staff
Automatic Updates - means you always have the latest and most comprehensive version of the technology to keep you and your staff ready to document
PowerMic Mobile Compatible - enhances the usability by providing a flexible way to turn your mobile phone into a wireless microphone so you can document anywhere at your own pace
Secure Communication - to protect patient data that is sent over 256-bit encryption channels into your chosen EHR
Using speech recognition to document patient encounters can reduce your IT efforts and errors in your documentation workflows, so why not try it in real-time within your practice. Reach out to our team of Solution Specialists today, and let them provide a better outcome for you and your physician team.
sales@1st-dragon.com | 866-977-3324 | 877-272-8280
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